By-Laws of the PA Section

By-Laws of the PA Section

Effective as of July 6, 2024/Version 6.0



BY-LAWS The bylaws of the Pathologists’ Assistants (PA) Section are a living document. This version is current as of the above date. The Executive Committee of the Section has the responsibility to keep the document fluid. Revisions or changes may have been approved but may have not yet been made public. To determine whether the contents are current, please contact the section Secretary.



The Canadian Association of Pathologists-Association Canadienne des pathologists; Pathologists’ Assistant Section (CAP-ACP PA Section) is the premier pathologists’ assistant professional organization in Canada, and is committed to advocating for its membership on a national and international level. The CAP-ACP PA Section provides a number of continuing education opportunities for pathologists’ assistants and other pathology laboratory and autopsy specialists, disseminates information to the public, related national bodies, and members, and provides a sense of community (both online and in person) for PAs and other pathology laboratory and autopsy specialists both within Canada and beyond.



PA Associate Members are those persons who are certified via the Canadian Certification Council of
Pathologists’ Assistants (CCCPA-CCCAP) that have applied for and are granted membership to the PA Section via the general CAP-ACP application form; OR those persons that applied for and were granted membership to the PA Section as of the 2014 AGM via the specific PA Section application form; OR those persons that applied for and were granted membership prior to the 2014 AGM that have not yet exceeded their deadline for application for certification (see the CCCPA website for application deadlines). PA Associate Members are voting members. PA Associate members will include subject certified Pas and non-subject certified Pas.

NOTE: Post January 1, 2025: All PA Associate members will be CCCPA-CCCAP certified PAs.

PA Junior Associate Members include those persons who are students presently enrolled in a Pathologists’ Assistant training program. Affiliates in this category may apply for Ordinary Membership following completion of their training program and following certification. Junior Affiliates are non-voting members.

International PAs and Inquiring Affiliates are non-voting members and may include those who:

Have interests in common with Pathologists’ Assistants;

Have interests in laboratory medicine in general;

Have interests in the advancement of laboratory diagnostics

PA Emeritus Associates are those who were Ordinary Members and have resigned from full time or part-time employment. Emeritus (retired) Affiliates are non-voting members.

Pathology Laboratory Specialist Associates are non-voting members that are non-PAs that are are CCCPLS-CCCSLP certified and eligible to practice in Canada. This category will be active post-January 1, 2025.



Dues are set by the CAP-ACP and are collected through their head office. Additional fees may apply.



No resignation shall be accepted while the member concerned is indebted to the CAP-ACP in any way or while any charge brought by the PA Section is pending against them. Any member who fails to pay his/her dues by April 1st in any year shall be liable to suspension, in which case they will be advised in writing from the PA Section Chair that their name will be removed from the membership roll and mailing list. Any member suspended for non-payment of dues or who has resigned may be reinstated upon payment of arrears, and the dues for the current year.


Post January 1, 2025: If the PA Section becomes aware that a member has been revoked of their certification status, the individual will automatically be suspended from membership within the PA Section. If the individual regains certification status, the person may apply to be reinstated as a PA Section member. Any portion of membership dues remaining for the suspended member shall be refunded.



The Executive Committee of the PA Section (hereafter the “Executive”) acts as a Board of

Directors and is composed of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Past Chair. The Past Chair is a nonvoting member of the Executive.


All members of the Executive are elected at the PA Section Annual General Meeting or via secure electronic voting preceding the PA Section AGM or at the AGM and serve for a two (2) year term, to begin following the PA Section conference during which the PA Section AGM was held. Ideally, the Executive would seek a new Secretary at the end of each term, with the current Secretary moving into the Vice-Chair position, the Vice-Chair into the Executive Chair position, and the Executive Chair into the Past-Chair position. This is in the interest of succession planning and continuity of projects.


The Executive shall exercise all powers and duties delegated to it by the PA Section and may co-opt any member onto it in an ex-officio CAP-ACP capacity.


Meetings of the Executive may be held at any time and place on the direction of the Chair or on the written request by two other members of the Executive. The Secretary shall, upon receipt of such a direction, summon a meeting of the Executive. At least 14 days’ notice shall be given of any such meeting.


Vacancies created on the Executive for whatever reason may be filled by the remaining Executive members until the next Annual General Meeting. This is the only time a single member may hold more than one position on the Executive. In this instance the individual is only entitled to one vote during meetings.


Members of the Executive may chair up to 1 standing committee. In this case, that person shall hold only 1 vote at Board meetings.



The Executive will ensure that correct parliamentary procedures govern all PA Section activities. The Executive will maintain current section By-laws.


The Chair shall preside over all business meetings of the membership. The Chair shall have the authority to exercise general charge and supervision of the affairs of the PA Section, and to take such actions necessary for the proper administration of PA Section affairs. The Chair shall also be responsible for presenting the annual report at the CAP-ACP council meeting. The Chair will sit on the CAP-ACP Executive Committee for the duration of their term and shall attend other CAP-ACP meetings as required, serving as the PA Director on the CAP-ACP Executive Committee

The Vice Chair at the request of the Chair or in the event of the Chair’s absence or disability, shall perform the duties and possess and exercise the powers of the Chair.

The Vice Chair will perform other duties as shall be necessary from time to time.


The Secretary will attend and keep the minutes of all Section meetings, tabulate the votes when required, and maintain membership correspondence.


The Past Chair will help to ensure continuity and flow of business as a new Chair takes charge of the PA Section. This individual will provide valuable information on the tasks at hand by bringing much valued experience to the committee table. The Past Chair is a non-voting member of the Executive. The Past Chair will also serve as the CCCPA-CCCAP liaison for the PA Section of the CAP-ACP.

All members of the Executive Committee must be voting members of the PA Section of the CAP-ACP.



The ultimate authority in PA Section matters shall be a convened

PA Section Annual General Meeting

(AGM). In cases of extreme importance, a special general meeting may be called by the PA Section

Chair. At least one month notice will be given for such meetings.


The PA Section AGM and conference will coincide with the CAP-ACP’s AGM and conference. The CAP-ACP will dictate when and where this meeting will take place. The business of the PA Section AGM shall be to receive and consider the year-end reports from each of the Standing Committee Chairs. A quorum at any general meeting shall consist of no less than 15 section members from no less than 3 provinces or territories. No business shall be transacted at a general meeting unless a quorum of members are present. If within one-half hour from the time appointed for the meeting, a quorum is not present, the meeting shall commence as a Committee of the Whole. The business transacted during this meeting shall be confirmed by web-based vote of the general membership or will be tabled until the following annual general meeting before any action is instituted.


The Section Chair, or Vice Chair if so delegated, shall preside as Chair at every general meeting. If neither of these individuals is present within fifteen minutes of the meeting start time, the members present shall choose someone amongst them to act as Chair.


At any general meeting, a resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided by show of hands (both online and in person), unless a written poll is deemed preferable by the Chair or demanded by at least 25% of the members present (both online and in person). If a written poll is to take place, an online method of voting will be provided for those attending virtually.. A resolution will be considered carried by a simple majority of the voting members.


Every voting member shall have one vote. No votes may be given by proxy. In the case of equality of votes the resolution shall be deemed as having been defeated. In the period between general meetings, the Executive shall have full power to act for the Section in accordance with the terms of these by-laws, except where the act requires a meeting.


At the PA Section AGM, in addition to the business of the PA Section, there will be an educational program and conference arranged by a committee appointed for this purpose.


The educational program at the PA Section AGM will ordinarily be self-financing. Surplus funds revert to the CAP-ACP. The CAP-ACP shall be responsible for any deficit incurred at a PA Section AGM.



The by-laws may be altered or amended by a majority vote of the members present at any general meeting or by email voting. Proposed changes shall be submitted to the Secretary in writing, at least 14 days before such meeting and shall be circulated to all members at least 14 days before the date of such meeting.


Notwithstanding the above, the Executive shall have the discretionary power to make minor changes of a grammatical, editorial, gender, plurality, or administrative nature. These changes may not impact on the basic intent of the by-laws without regular membership approval.



There shall be certain standing committees of the Section, whose membership, duties and responsibilities are defined and may be revised by the Executive from time to time. The standing committees shall meet at least once quarterly, with minutes made accessible to the PA Section Executive Committee. The standing committees are listed below.



This committee will research and implement continuing professional development requirements for PA’s as well as develop and provide access to (organize and implement) continuing education programs and activities that facilitate (allow Section members to maintain) the highest professional standards for CAP-ACP PA members.


This committee will also coordinate all aspects of the annual conference. The Chair(s) of this committee will serve as the moderator of the conference and will sit on the CAP-ACP Annual Meeting Committee and will provide the Executive with a summary of each meeting as it relates to the PA Section. In the committee chair’s absence, the Executive Chair will attend the CAP-ACP Annual Meeting Committee on their behalf. The Chair/Past Chair of this committee will provide a financial report of the previous conference, unless this task is performed by the CAP-ACP. The Chair(s) of the committee will coordinate the submission of candidates, voting and the presentation of the Lloyd A. Kennedy Pathologists’ Assistant Award.



The advocacy committee advocates for the growth, recognition, and advancement of the PA profession in Canada. This will be done by increasing awareness of the role of PAs in health care to the general public, to employers, potential employers, unions, and to both provincial and federal governments. The goal of increased recognition of the role PAs play in patient care will be to generate more acknowledgement and respect for Canadian PAs, and to ensure that PAs have a credited place among Canadian health professionals.


The role of the committee is to enhance communication opportunities between the PA Section of the CAP-ACP with its members, as well as individuals and groups within or associated with the Pathologists’ Assistant (PA) profession.  The Communications Committee strives for transparency, accountability, and trustworthiness while establishing and maintaining open communications among members of the PA community. 


The objectives of the Communications committee are:

  1. To introduce communications initiatives that are consistent and aligned with the values of the PA Section of the CAP-ACP;
  2. To develop an environment that assures effective communication among members and timely dissemination of information;
  3. Providing input into the creation, design, content and maintenance of the PA Section of the CAP-ACP website;
  4. To maintain social media accounts for the PA Section of the CAP-ACP and oversee content and publication;
  5. To coordinate and support the efforts of other members of the PA Section of the CAP-ACP and the CAP-ACP for consistency of image and branding; and
  6. To strive for transparency, accountability, and trustworthiness while establishing and maintaining open communications among members of the PA community. 



The role of the student committee is to provide a venue and community for Canadian PA Master’s program students. It will act as a liaison between the PA section and the students and will disseminate information including educational opportunities to students.

The objectives of the Student Committee are to:

  1. Have an open flow of communication between the CAP-ACP PA section and the Canadian Master’s program students
  2. Provide events to help engage students and current working PA’s on a regular basis


The Student Committee will aim to consist of one second year and/or (if required) one first year student from each of the Canadian PA Master’s programs. There will be one Chair (or two Co-Chairs as necessary) that will be a second year student. The chair, once served, will stay on as Past Chair for the following term.



Each committee shall have a Chair.

  1. Selection – The Executive shall appoint a Chair for each of the standing committees from the active voting Members. The Executive shall endeavour to appoint a Chair from amongst the committee’s members.
  2. Number – A member may Chair only one committee, but may also serve on the Executive, or as a member of another committee.
  3. Term – The position of Chair of a standing committee is stable in nature and subject to change only as the Executive deems necessary. The removal and replacement of a Chair may occur at any time at the discretion of the Executive by announcing such change in writing.
  4. Termination – Any Chair of a standing committee may resign from that position at any time by informing the Executive in writing. Resignation does not relieve them from any obligation incurred during their period as Chair. Any Chair may be suspended or involuntarily removed from such a position at the discretion of the Executive.



An active voting member is eligible to participate as a voting member of a committee or committees. The committee Chair shall maintain the authority to appoint such members as deemed appropriate to their committee. A member may request to make their services available to a committee(s) by contacting the Chair(s) in writing. If appropriate action regarding a member’s request to join a committee is not taken by the Chair of that committee within a reasonable length of time, said request shall be forwarded to the Executive for final determination.


Committee reports shall be issued to the Secretary as requested. Copies of the committee reports shall be distributed amongst all the standing committee Chairs and Executive. The annual committee reports shall be presented by the Committee Chairs to the membership at the AGM.