The Official Site for Canadian Pathologists’ Assistants
Discover how the PA Section of the CAP-ACP is serving Canadian Pathologists’ Assistants.

Pathologists' Assistants
What is a pathologists’ assistant?
Learn more about the essential role of the pathologists assistant in healthcare.

The PA Section
Discover how the PA Section is supporting and advocating for the profession of pathologists’ assistants on a national and international level.

Canadian PA Certification
The certifying body in Canada for pathologists’ assistants is the Canadian Certification Council of Pathologists’ Assistants – Conseil Canadien de la Certification des Assistants en Pathologie (CCCPA-CCCAP)
Visit our Parent Organization: CAP-ACP
The PA Section and the CCCPA-CCCAP are independent and separate entities under the Canadian Association of Pathologists – Association Canadienne des Pathologistes (CAP-ACP).